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Attention Parents!!!!
We are getting ready for the 2020-2021 school year. All Students are required to wear a face covering on the bus. To help with communication with bus routes we want to encourage you to sign up for Remind 101. There are four different bus routes so be sure to pick the route your child will be riding.
Route 1: Mrs. Warren - @rt1baird
Route 2: Mr. Brooks - @rt2b
Route 3: Mr. Vincent - @rt3b
Route 4: Mrs. Gargis - @rt4g
To receive messages via text, text the cooresponding code of your route to 81010. You can opt out of messages at anytime by replying "unsubscribe @ the corresponding code of your route number to 81010.
If you are unsure of which bus route your child will be riding, the following information will let you know which direction each bus route will cover.
Route 1---From 5th left to Brazos, right on Hwy 14 , left on Riley, left on 1st, left on Brazos,,right on 2nd, right on Trinty, right on 1st,left on Colorado, left Ave B, left on Brazos, right on Ave D,around on Ave D, left on 27, right on Main, right on 14, Left on Canadian, left on 5th ,right on 27,right on 1394, around on 1394, left on 27, right on 5th to School.
Route 2---From 5th Right on fm 27, left on 246, right on 1020, around on 1020, left on 246, left on 996, left on 995, right on 27, left on twin circle, left on 27, right on MLK, right on Stubbs, Left on MLK, right on 27, Left on 5th to School.
Route 3---From 5th Right on fm 27, Left on Hwy 14, Right on 2410, Left on 2400, Right on 2383, Right on 2380, Right on 2390, Left on 2400, Right on 2410, Left on Hwy 14, Back to School.
Route 4---From 5th Right on fm 27, Right on 1366 , right on 970, left on 974, around on 974,right on 970,, Right fm 1366, left on PR 979 Around on PR 979, right on 1366, right on 27, Right 969 turnaround, Right fm 27, turnaround on 27, Right fm 80, right on walnut, left on Carter,left on Main, right on 80, left on post Oak, left on 1449, right on 1022,around on 1022, right on 1449, right on everett, left on walnut, right on 80, left on 27, left on 5th to school.
Thank you,
Jeff Craig
Transportation Director
Held during the third full week of October each year, National School Safety Week is active and evolving public education program and an excellent way for parents, students, teachers, mortorists, school bus operators, school administrators, and orther interested parties - to join forces and address the importance of school bus safety. Designed to promote school bus safety, school districts throughout the country observe School Bus Safety Week. 2020 National School Bus Safety Week : October 19-23, 2020 and the theme is “Red Light Means STOP!”
2021: Be Safe –Know The Danger Zone!